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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tips to Eliminate Mosquito Bite bumps

 I have some tips that you can try to reduce the itching due to mosquito bites.

1. Combine two cups of white vinegar into a tub of hot water. You can soak for 20 minutes. Hot water is added vinegar helps reduce itching. In addition, you can also apply vinegar to use cotton buds to the bite marks are still itchy. 

2. Tea waste packaging that has been used also to reduce the itching, rub it into the skin. The content of tannins that are still in the tea can be used to fight allergies or itchiness. 

3. Use tea tree oil to rub on mosquito bites. Mostly found in health stores, or sold online. Tea tree oil serves as a potent antiseptic and antibiotics to reduce the itching and stinging. 

4. Paste the ice on the skin that itch. The cold ice can make numb for a while. It also can reduce the effects of ' mosquito saliva ' that is stored under the skin. 

5. Can also create an antidote to itch with lavender leaves, basil or bananas. Moisten and mash, apply to the mosquito bite.


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