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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Samsung Galaxy Release 7.0 Plus

Samsung Electronics Indonesia announced the launch of the Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus is the latest product from the leading mobile phone manufacturers in the world. 

" Indonesia is the first country in this latest product launch. Bali gets honor to be chosen as a place to launch Galaxy Tab 7.0 plus the first time in Indonesia, " said Managing Director of PT Samsung Electronics Indonesia, Yoo Young Kim, on the sidelines of the launch, in Nusa Dua, Monday. 

According to Kim, tablet market is so promising in Indonesia, that is 500 percent, Samsung believes can harness this potential, including by continuing to meet market demand through product innovation. 

"Right now the market leader Samsung became the first tablet in Indonesia by offering four tablet models, " he said. 

Kim explained, see the lifestyle of consumers in Indonesia is optimistic his side will continue to increase the tablet market and the better. 

Tablets are an important part of a smart lifestyle with high mobility and thus the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus tablets enrich the choice. 

"Especially for those who are productive so that they always want to connect with work, friends and content where and anytime, " he said. 

Samsung Mobile Business Director of PT Samsung Electronics Indonesia, Budi Janto, say, Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 plus this is an improved product that was launched before 2010. 

" With a 7 inch screen, a new product that provides better portability, " he said of the product weighs 345 grams and 9.96 mm thick


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