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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Quick Virus Check tricks Without Software

Want to know how to check for viruses with ease and without any additional software? 

Here are tips and tricks or not a virus check on your computer: 

1. Open a command prompt by Start - > Run - > cmd, By default, the location will be in C:,[125],1,0,710,24,27,1],[" nama_user, for that you must move them first to the system32 folder. 

2. Type "cd c:,[285],1,0,377,6,7,1],[" system32 " ( without the quotes ) as shown. Press enter to go into the system32 folder. 

3. Type " setup " and press enter 

4. If the display appears like the following picture in which there is a warning " Please go to the Control Panel to install and configure system components. " Healthy means your computer from viruses, but if your computer hangs or restarts that means there are viruses that hide in your computer.


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