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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Hackers, IT Pros Share Personal Information Online, Study Finds

Apparently hackers can be just as Careless as Their Victims.

A new study finds people with technical backgrounds That are very inclined to disclose sensitive information like addresses and passwords to Strangers They meet online, even though They Should know better.

BitDefender Antivirus software company recently published the results from the study.

Dr. Sabina - Raluca Datcu, WHO conducted the study, used a sample of 100 people, half of Them working in the IT security industry and the other half being selected from hackers forums for " bad guys. " She created two fake 25- year-old female profiles with photos to present to either the IT experts or hackers to analyze " friendship trust -rate. " For the IT pros, the " woman " had interests in security, psychology and literature. The profile for hackers showed She was into hacking, psychology, reading news and " Trying New Things. "

The second step INVOLVED an ongoing conversation as " friends" to see what the subjects would disclose information to an unknown person.

At the beginning of the interactions, Both the IT subjects and the hackers were the resource persons Their more concerned about personal privacy. As time went on, however, the subjects Appeared to trust the test profiles more, although the hacking group was Skeptical Generally more than the IT group. ( See " After Stuxnet, a Rush to Find Bugs in Industrial Systems. " )

The researcher found 75 percent of Those That contacted Such disclosed personal information as addresses, phone numbers, information about Their Children and Their parents ' names. Nearly all of Those contacted also Offered up a description of Their password and 13 percent of IT professionals contacted Actually Various disclosed passwords to online accounts.

Datcu makes the point That social networks, forums and online chat rooms " create ideal worlds, in the which users have the ability to transform themselves into very attractive people or very communicative ones, and in the which everybody can confide in everybody and be everybody 's friend. "



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