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Saturday, October 15, 2011

10 Signs Smart Kids

Many mothers and fathers think their children are smart, but most children only genius in the eyes of their parents. However, some children actually labeled as a smart. Does your child is one of them? There are a few guidelines that often indicates the development of child intelligence. Here are ten signs of smart kids.

1. Maintaining Information: The term "sign in one ear and out the right " seems to apply to most children. However, a smart kid really retain information and be able to remember it next time. An example of the National Association of Gifted Children ( NAGC ) is: " A six -year -old son returned from a trip museum space and to accurately reproduce the image space rocket he had seen.

2. Has Interest Area: Children's smart displays an interest in a variety of topics. They may like the dinosaurs in one month, the space next month, and so on.

3. Writing and Reading Early: If your child is someone who is smart, he might be able to read and write very early and without any formal teaching.

4. Talented in the Field of Music or Art: Children who display exceptional talent for music and art is often considered to be smart. Children can draw, sing it perfectly, or displaying perceptions of high art form, usually included in the category of smart kids.

5. Intense concentration shows Time: Children are not so identical with a long attention span, but the smart kids were able to have more time intense concentration.

6. Have Good Memories: Some smart kids can remember things when they are smaller. For example, a two-year -old child may remember and bring back the incident when he was 18 months.

7. Has Higher Vocabulary: A child who is too early to talk not only a sign of intelligence, but if your child speaks using more advanced vocabulary and sentences, then he probably is as smart as you think. According to the NAGC, " Children at the age of two years of a sentence like: ' There is a dog. ' Children two years that smart might say, ' There's a dog in the back of the house and he was sniffing the flowers. ' "

8. Noting Details: Children's smart to have a sharp eye for detail. Older children may want to know specific details about how things work, while younger children will be able to put the toys back exactly where he got it or notice if something has been moved from the usual place.

9. Acting as Own Critics: In general, children are not too worried about themselves or others, except their friends have something they want. Instead, the smart kids are concerned with other people, but most importantly themselves.

10. Understanding the Concept of Complex: Children are very smart to have the ability to grasp complex concepts, understand relationships, and abstract thinking. They are able to understand the issues in depth and think about solutions.



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