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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Preventing Drowsiness After Lunch?

Time after lunch seems to be a very good if used for sleeping. Fatigue and drowsiness sometimes come together, but would not you still have to keep working? Consider the following tips to prevent sleepiness after lunch.

Dr. Allan Spreen, nutritionist of the United States as written by the site chemistry, suggested to tailor our meals with the body's biorhythms. From the survey results revealed that food coma attacks often occur at the following hours:

1.pukul 10:00 is 2 hours after breakfast,
2.pukul 14:00 is 2 hours after lunch,
3.pukul 16:00, 4 or 5 hours before dinner,

where in between these times, blood sugar levels are in declining condition.

1.Usahakan not eat large portions. Choose foods with adequate carbohydrates.

2.Pada the hours after a meal, try to consume a high protein snack. No need in large numbers as long as you remain in the condition of the stomach filled.

3. Choose food with low fat content, because it certainly is rich in sugar content.

4. Di between the time before a meal, do not hesitate to eat candy. Choose candy labeled low fat. 

Well, from now on keep the spirit after lunch.
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Quick Tips Burn 200 Calories

To maintain an ideal body shape, you should not do heavy physical exercise. Here are some steps you can use to burn 200 calories without the need to follow a vigorous exercise program.

Try inviting a few close friends, turn on music and dance happily together for 37 minutes.

Sports and sex
Try going to the gym with a partner. You can burn 100 calories by doing weight training for 30 minutes. Furthermore, you can burn 100 calories more a way of making love.

Rearranging the room
Try to burn calories while changing the atmosphere of a room or rooms of your home. Turning atmosphere menghabsikan room with a 30 minute set of furniture can help you burn calories.

Change the color of wall paint 
Try giving a new touch to your bedroom or living room with color change paint. Paint can burn 204 calories in one hour. 

Buy household needs ( push cart for 45 minutes can burn 117 calories ), carrying groceries into the house ( carrying groceries upstairs for five minutes can burn 43 calories ) and mennyusun groceries in place ( burn 40 calories in 14 minutes ). 

Sing, laugh, repeat 
Try watching a movie musical, like Glee, and took part with humming the lyrics. You can burn more calories by standing while singing. When the delay time to sing, try to laugh. Singing can burn 136 calories in one hour. And laughed for 20 minutes helps to burn 67 calories more.

play Scrabble 
Playing Scrabble for two hours will make you smarter and more slender 200 calories. 

Try to beautify your garden by pulling weeds for 25 minutes ( burns 127 calories ) and plant some new plants ( burn 77 calories for 15 minutes ). 

Join your child to play toed ( burn 113 calories for 20 minutes ) followed by playing a trampoline for 22 minutes ( burns 87 calories ).
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The Things That Can Make Men Cry

Who would not be sad to lose a loved one? It is very normal when she saw him cry when we lose someone she loves, good lovers, family members and friends. In fact relatively rare, men who do not cry if someone close who died.

Not only humans, loss of a pet can also make a man shed tears. The relationship between pets and their masters can be very close, if he have maintained it since childhood or spent much time together.

Men can not stand seeing people who loved experiencing misery. Men can cry when her sister was taking drugs, or see her lover lying in ICU room because of illness. The inability to save loved ones from the bad situation, making it disappointed in yourself and ultimately arises deep sadness.

Arnold Schwarzenegger will reportedly had divorced his wife cried when being caught having an affair. Yes, make a lover or someone close to him disappointed is one thing that could make men weep. Compared to make people angry, feeling guilty will be greater over him if someone dear to be disappointed because of his actions.

Abandoned lover for another man, will make him drop the price drastically. He felt his ego has been hurt very deeply. At the level of disappointment and resentment that has been severe, he usually will not hold back her tears any longer.

Most of the men is a huge fan of a certain type and teams sports. Eg football, badminton, basketball or football. Fanatic would love for your favorite team can sometimes make a person act out of reason. Including crying disappointed because the team lost to the champion.

Both men and women, must be willing to make his parents proud. But for men, there is a separate emotional feeling stronger now saw the color in the eyes of his parents happy. This is because socially, boys are usually more is required to become the pride of the family.

8. When her application was accepted 

No answer is more desirable than men said: "yes, I'm willing " when he proposed to his girlfriend. Tears were men not only come out at the time of sadness, but also when he felt a great happiness. One of them, could marry the woman he loves.

9. Currently Married 

Although more women who wept as give promise of the holy in front of the prince or priest, men can also shed a tear in one of the most important moments in her life. There is a tension and a sense of its own emotional when someone will step into a new world in his life. 10. Birth of First Child Many men who feel choked when I saw the birth of her first child. Happiness will usually be the stronger when he watched the procession from the beginning until the baby is born.

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